Andy Wisniewski - The Great Writer.
Ghost Stories
Lod: DC (fanfic)
The Man Who Couldn't
The Travel Was Hard - Chapter 1
The Travel Was Hard - Chapter 2
"The Beginning"
The Value of Life
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A piece I wrote in Current Issues, I call it, Tolerance.

I was slightly bored in Math class, and I was thinking about what I was learning in Civics class, and I wrote this little essay on what I thought...

When I wonder about the meaning of life, I am constantly vexed. I haven't gotten a clue so far in my relatively short life. But from everything that happens in the world, wars, famine, disease, terrorism, the mist starts to lift. Then you examine the reason behind much of the afore mentioned critera, and you see that most are related to religion.

On September 11, 2001, two planes crashed into New York City, another plane crashed into the Pentagon, and a fourth crashed outside Pittsburgh. The people who caused this catastrophy believed their god wanted them to do it. But they were just a right-wing fanatical group. They don't represent the religion of their people as a whole. How would an American feel, an average run-of-the-mill Joe Schmoo if they were treated poorly because they were judged by the actions of the KKK? It is certain they wouldn't like it. (Of course, the reference is to a white American, but only because Caucasian has more dominance in the U.S.A)

That only speaks briefly of terrorism. Over the centuries many thousands of wars and battles have been fought. While some were for freedom and land, more than can be counted have been for religion. Millions of people have fought and died over very small inconsistancies in their religious beliefs.

Yet through it all, the five major religions in the world, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam, all preach about understanding.

Back to fanatisicm, they stem from the main religion. The KKK was started with Christian beliefs. Although it is seen as wrong and cruel, they don't see it that way. Not that anyone should feel sympathy for them, persecuting anyone, based on anything, is wrong. It is the same for the Taliban. They are religious fanatics, but they certainly aren't the main Islamic following.

In closing, love thy neighbor. Don't hate or fear someone based on skin, beliefs, or anything. The occasional fear one feels when they don't understand another being can be scary, but try to understand them before you judge them.

This is a deadly serious subject, and I hope you value my views.